How I transfer my messages to another device?
Struggling to resist texting your ex? Drop in the comments what you wish you could say to them!!!!!!
Which bipolar Symptoms are the hardest for you to handle?
What do your hallucinations during psychosis look like?
Have you ever looked back on your old self and been like… why?
Anyone need exercise or you turn into a huge asshole?
Serving classic HD thanatologist at a carnival party
What degree I should have to work for NASA?
Aproveitem a juventude de vocês, não esqueçam que a velhice existe.
Como fazer amigos sem ficar maluco
Joining as a foreign
kamala transitioned me :(
Questioning myself after legally transitioning
I was(am?) a cheater
[cosplay] Starfire!
Como fazer amigos
I become free by the break up? Why do I feel empty though?
Eu bloqueio minha ex?
I feel like I am out of a coma
Just wanted to say how much i stan binder
2.5yr Update Dr Emerson
Out of the closed, into the streets (get this comphet out of me)
Delusions about sexuality and when comphet meets mental illness
Why do I try to defend other people's opinions more than mine?
property violence