We need some Traffic Circles/Roundabouts in GTA 6!
chatters are being unreasonably mean to jerma and it's getting tiring
Custom Manny Pardo figure, Finally about done!
Do you guys think Javi and Kate would be dissapointed if they saw Clem with Louis/Violet?
do you think clementine is out there somewhere in the TV universe?
Someone predicted female protagonist 11 years ago
What artists/songs do you want available to listen to on your night drives?
Darlene (skinless and decapitated/headless)
songs that refer to people as “baby”
The fact Larry wasn’t kicked out of this speaks volumes
Never disagree with this man
ok fine, WHY is jerma hot then
Do you think power line cables will be solid objects?
Mat thinks of the people whom complain as “ADHD-Suffering marks.”
Help Needed to steer this poll in the correct direction - (hint - 2nd Row down, centre): Just for fun choose your top 5!
Just for fun choose your top 5!
I drew Kim
Mat crashes out on Twitter once again, across three tweets
WE suggestion
The community right now over that casey Anthony shit.
What’s your favourite level I’ll start
There's a New Official Extra Lives Playlist on MDickie's Channel
Everyone acts like they’d be badasses in the event of the walking dead scenario but we’d all be like Ben
for a few frames something weird happened with his camera on this stream, but chat didn't seem to notice it, I managed to take a couple of screenshots
We need Anton Owski in Wrestling Empire?
Who do you think has the most trauma/emotional baggage between Rick and Clem?