What’s something that’s completely normal in the male world, but would freak out women if they knew about it?
How many of these did you get in the mail, FREE! and then we erased them and put songs, documents & spreadsheets on them.
Dark side of the moon.
As a bipolar peep, how do yall survive/work miserable jobs?
What is your holy grail shampoo & conditioner??
Would love to hear your thoughts on celebrating Valentine’s Day on the 15th to save money.
Anyone else love these?
Remember when white lipstick was popular?
Anyone remember this? (1999-2005)
My meatballs dissapeared into thin air
Films Released In February 1997
Illness cured after NDE?
I asked for a sign and immediately got it (see comment)
Where Were You May 12, 1984?
What color should I paint ?
90s and 00s kids we all grew up with these sounds
Did I find a voodoo doll?
For those without a cricut
So many odd choices.
Music can be a reprieve from my bipolar. Do you find music helps you? If so what kind of music do you listen to?
Who remembers these
Did anyone have these?
I’m stuck at home sick and bored… show me the dresses you DIDN’T go with!
Do people still tear phone books in half?