Afk in ranked
Ranked has a problem when it comes to players taking it serious
The playerbase will kill this game.
"This game is dying so badly"
Gallbladder Cancer
Footage just released of Omeda's last balance patch meeting.
Persona 5 Royal or Metaphor Re:Fantazio?
Junglers who ignore offlane, why?
Che Ne pensate del nuovo titolo Naughty Dog, per me le critiche sono esagerate
What’s going on with matchmaking?
Due generazioni di teste di cazzo
This Murdock player said he wasn't good at carry before the game started...
Qual'è secondo voi la migliore zona dove vivere
Midlaners, how do I deal with constant 1v2s and 1v3s?
I think people are sleeping on Yin Offlane.
Ne ho piene le palle degli immigrati e dell'immobilismo dello stato
Man with hook takes fish into a tight space (gone wrong)
Omeda, can we please buff everyones Mana?
Alright I'm gunna need everyone to just stop playing ranked
Please understand some people are not all serious about this game ALL the time.. that's what ranked is for
Soddisfatti delle nomine per il Game Of The Year 2024?
Ma stiamo scherzando?
Ci si diverte solo se si beve e/o si fuma?
Can you at least try and make it LESS obvious....?
An update on V1.1 for our PlayStation users