LL Fact of the day #1,125: The overall stats for season 0 of ranked have been posted, giving details on loomian information in general.
Pvp fog team
It's Just Rush-Die-Teamwipe-Score
Rate my PvP Team!
Why are ppl calling Zuelong a "dumpster fire"?
After all this time, My first Gamma Roamer
Is expired calcium powder something to be careful of?
I still don't understand why Skin wrapping is scientifically incorrect.
Are there any Looms you can't use in ranked?
Can you find Nyemesis and Nymurae in the grass in next year's HW event?
Is GPvP Tikilipse worth it?
Rate my PvP team
Who's better for my team Boots Dakuda, or Boots Garlash
Dream team news
How can I improve my PvP Team?
Hank Buff Ideas
Im looking fir advice in how to "uptrade" (as my friend put it) and Im looking for tips when it comes to these loomians I cought/rallied
Do you need to complete the 4th bttle theatre to get the SB from the raids?
Trading these (42-43 mixed)
Which seat you picking (personally i would pick 9)
I- I can't I just can't
Is this guy rare?😭