If Anyone Is Interested. PC Only
AIO for calling my very white uncle a racist for sharing this post??
18 year old considering a cross country road trip…is this realistic?
My back won’t slim down no matter what I do!
Ask Gov Shapiro To Stop Raw Milk Being Sold In The State
Walk - Out Protest
Looking for Realistic Farmers
What's something that isn't therapy, but feels like therapy?
Today at Harrisburg, select pictures of the 50501 protest.
Tell I’m not in the twilight zone…
When has lying provided a better solution than being truthful?
Photo from today's downtown protest
Name a band where every member is a fucking idiot
Some pictures I took from the Pittsburgh protests today.
People who were born prior to social media, smart phones, the internet and the world being so digitally connected what are your opinions on it? Was it better before social media and the internet or worse?
Dear Canada, we're you serious?
How satisfied are you with your life?
All of those cheap RTTs and other gear from AliExpress/China are screwed for now
What screams “I’m just pretending to be rich”?
50% of people wouldn't last 90 days?
The sad thing is, I think the MAGA crowd would happily say it.
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it?
Roadtrip across usa help.
Gamers, do you think MW2 was the best COD? Why?