Why does she have to say the same thing over and over? She said, “I wanted to be ugly today” at least 6 times. Nothing is in that skull of hers.
What is the point of any of these videos? She talks about her boring life, why does anyone care? She didn’t was her face last night…so effing what.
The 8 is painted on but she could fit into a 6. What the eff is wrong with her? She’s so insecure.
Okay, one more. Here is our famous Ewwdy
Here you go ladies
Unfiltered Tara makes an appearance yall.😆
Kindness, Cruise
Lookie what was found and sent to me
She ALWAYS says: I got a large but I should have gotten a medium when the dress is painted on. No butch, you shouldn’t be wearing it, period.
I found this gem and oh boy, even in the dark, she looks like she’s 50. Yikes
The fact that 1. The majority of the comments on this viral video are welcoming her like she's new to MAGA, 2. The whole video I'm sure is a lie (she was liberal? Sure), and 3. She looks hideous... Just makes me 🤣
You could not pay me to post a video with my hair looking like this
Hooker please
Does she really think she’s fooling anyone? All she does is insert herself into everyone’s business. It’s her whole platform.
Why does she repeat herself so much? She’s sooo boring and she always has her fingers in her ears or mouth, it’s disgusting.
Well they only live what they learn
It’s national women’s day, let me tell women how they suck. She is telling people to be kind when all she does is talk shit. She never has a nice thing to say about anyone BUT her nasty husband
Dan Bongino posted her video
Who are you
These do not fit your fat legs. It’s time to spend money to make the bottom match the top. Or just keep looking stupid as fuck. Please do not wear those out before sizing up lol
Kids on social media
I can’t stop laughing. As if anyone cares about what she has to say. 😂😂. She’s standing on business. She’s such a strong woman who just says what needs to be said. Get out of here. She’s so fake.
She should rethinking opting out of Botox around her eyes 🤢