toughts on new masterpiece?
My first time making Philosopher's Salt and I go and optimize the hell out of it (without using salt)
My first playthrough Philosopher's Stone Recipe, only really did any optimization for total ingredients with a minor emphasis on not using a ton of crystals, came out to 240 ingredients, 16 being crystals if I summed it all up correctly
Dog is the worst fight I've ever done in a game
First time?
Insta death make it difficult
Who is he ?
Who will win the race
I bet you can probably say the same
Noob help
So, have u ever seen people mistaken [fluff] ing bc for whack a mole? cuz my dad is one of them.
Is r/minesweeper fucking welcome here?
Very difficult situation... what do I do??!?!??
Someone calculate this TuT
So how did your [Fluff] -ing EpicFest went...
[fluff] they really ruined their targeted traits...
Facts. lol
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[Discussion] If you rolled for Kunio, how do you use it
Is it obvious?
this physically hurts my head
Choose wisely for $1m π π½π π½π π½π»π»π»
[fluff] Any of these capsule banners worth buying rn