My husband thinks that messaging my friend for a “f#ck” is not cheating. I think it is!
If you have a son, please read this (mental health related)
What is your explanation for tarot?
I feel like I am going to fail my child because of my temper
Say what?
Goodnight Moon (and Jupiter)
I’m Fine, I’m Seeing A Therapist, oil on canvas
What does my handwriting say about me? 29M
This has been growing in my yard for a while… gardener buddy had no idea what it is
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
[28 F] gotten older and hate how I look now, don’t know what happened
what does mine say about me
Can I avoid Functional Skills?
Do I owe my husband an apology
One of most viewed coin
A piece I just finished. Some will love and some will hate the background. What do you think?
Lean into mural or swap out for wallpaper?
My husband pushed me, choked me, and held my face down in broken glass
I couldn't be any prouder!
Don’t loose your mind over this one 😂
Has to be worth more than what we can easily buy at launch.
Looks like somethings going on
My local “foodies” group is completely unhinged
How Should I Cover Up This Tattoo?