For all the A1 ranks and above, who did y'all main to rank up?
I wish there were interactive loading screens
imagine if they all took the fusion bugs in the next volume lmao
Use a Tyler song name to describe one of your romantic relationships ( I’ll go first : I don’t love you anymore )
Auto Generated structures
Help me
i need help
Could vegito or gogeta go super saiyan 3?
Am i blocked?
do i get anything if i win a aux battle
why am i getting high offers
Instagram show
Best Rapper in Metal?
guess my age based on my taste
somewhere in russia
I’ve got a PSA 10 Moreno for sale there’s only 2 in the world!
Whats your favorite MetallicA lyric?
Out of all metallica songs, Which one do you think has the best guitar solo
All Nightmare Long won for A. Now onto B
am i the only one who remembers the lodges in minecraft
The easiest but slowest way to beat morgan freeman
Guys guess what? I just defeated Morgan Freeman on my first go and I’m so happy (it was quite the fight let me tell you)
I’m good at this, trust me
Tell me your favorite DBD character with one vague word and I will try to guess it.