Unpopular Opinion: Please please please give us your go backs
I'm not sure if this is actually unpopular, but I feel like I see a pretty common sentiment from retail workers for customers to put their own stuff away.
Well I disagree.
I am a full time retail merch manager for a well known clothing company, so a main portion of my job is making sure stuff looks nice. Things have to be folded a certain way, jeans look pretty similar, and they have to be zipped/buttoned. Basically be presentable. Customers just don't do that. I have a callus on my right pointer finger from how many jeans I button daily
Before anyone comes in saying, oh but that's not their job. EXACTLY. IT'S MINE. LET ME DO MY JOB. Actually you are making my job harder by making me go on a hide and seek hunt for your stuff you didn't want and didn't put away properly.
I have literally been standing next to the jeans and said I would put it away for them. They dismiss me, literally fold it the opposite way the rest of the jeans there are folded, smile like they did a good and walk off. Now my time has been wasted as I rip it out of the wall again and refold it.
Oh but they're just being nice. Well it's not that nice if it makes my job harder.
Ok, my strife hasn't convinced you. I get it. Here are some other reasons why workers should put away go backs:
Customers don't know the store like the workers do and most likely don't remember where they got things. Whether we like it or not, we are service workers. Let us provide our service.
Theft. A common tactic for theft is to rip out sensors and hide them in pockets, then put away the clothes holding the loose sensors. So being adamant about putting away your own clothes raises red flags for retail workers.
Sorry, lost my cool there. Thanks to anyone who reads my rant and I'm sorry if you disagree! This affects absolutely nothing in life and is just a rant on the internet! Even if it irks me, I will still do my job.