Big Challenges Companion Ability isn't the best
How long before we receive an update?
What do you even do with high ceilings??
Idk what to do about my judgemental MIL
Unpopular Opinion: Please please please give us your go backs
00's/10's music video with grusome animation
Find a song based off a music video
I don't want to change my last name
My best friend is moving out tomorrow and I'm devastated...
[Academic] Relationship Status vs Screen Time (18-40)
(REPOST) [Academic] University Students vs Money Spent on Eating Out (18+, College/University Students)
[Academic] College Student Jobs vs Money Spent on Eating Out (18+, College/University Students)
[Academic] Student Jobs vs Money Spent on Eating Out (18+, College/University Students)
Pregnant and not sure if I want to stay.
Should I have been allowed to live?
What is the rudest thing a teacher has said/done to you before?
Stop claiming you brought introverts 'out of their shell'
What is one criticism you have for your bias group and what is one compliment you have for a group you’re mostly unfamiliar with/not too fond of?
What was the dumbest thing you got in trouble for at school?
What is something your parents did while raising you that you realized is fucked up after looking back on it?