Is there any lore about how the Blaiddyd family became the royalty of the Faerghus Kingdom?
Claude tells Felix & Ferdinand about his family's tradition(@yanyan46e20)
If you could have a special cg support for your favorite pairing, what would the cg be?
Dimitri & Claude rizzing Marianne & Hilda (@Gzeidraws)
Dimitri & Claude (to Marianne & Hilda): "Ever thought about becoming my queen?" (@Gzeidraws)
Dimitri & Claude (to Marianne & Hilda): "I'm looking for my future queen. She should look just like you." (@Gzeidraws)
Just another day of class for Claude, Hilda and Lysithea (@rein_creamsoda)
Claude and Hilda's A support if you pair them up (@AutumnSacura)
Hilda Asks Claude for Advice (@hunnymzdraws)
Consider a King Dimitri & Queen Marianne and King Claude & Queen Hilda scenario. Does it work for you? (@sierra117renner)
Happy Sylcedes Valentine's Day! Mercedes and Sylvain having a beach date!
The Kings and Queens of Faerghus and Almyra (Berkut + Rinea and Quan+ Ethelyn fits)(@sierra117renner)
Persona 5 Valentine's Day (Three Houses Edition) by@mgnk33
Valentine's Day during the Academy and Valentine's Day 5 Years Later! (@LesuArt)
Hilda: Valentine’s Day is for me, right, Claude? (@sethkiell)
Hilda and Claude's time at the Academy and 5 Years Later! (@LesuArt)