What does this mean?!?
Regret after tattoo
Give me your most gut-wrenching music
do people care about stretch marks?
Nipple piercings ..
Dirty Pics
I go to the hot tub in my building and touch myself
What's a food from your home region or country (the more obscure the better), that you feel everyone outside of it should try, at least once ?
What's the most painful thing you have been told ?
What is the difference between having sex and making love?
What is something that scares you but most people don’t care about?
what animals are assholes?
What is sexiest when slightly exposed….. side-boob, under-boob, or cleavage?
Do men notice if a woman is going bra-less?
Do men really notice when a woman is going bra-less?
[36/m] Hi, everybody! (Hi, Dr. Nick!)
43m looking for [friendship]