Ranking The TDWT Characters Day 18(THE BIG ONE)
Ranking The TD Characters: GRAND FINALE!
Characters who JUST. WONT. DIE.
(Loved Trope) The Unexpected Tearjerker moment in a Comedy
The Reverse Morality(Good Guys are bad and the Bad guys are good)Alternate universe
Best/Worst Event Tie Ins?
[Semi-Hated Trope] When the entire series takes place with in a year which causes bad pacing.
Tropes you hate and would love to see end
Superman like characters who aren't evil
Characters that won't. Stop. Being. In. Crossovers (for better or worse)
[SPOILER WARNING] Character's deaths that became a meme in fandom
"There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night without a moon, and the anger of a gentle man"
Three Way Conflicts
Villains who stand out from the rest of the Rogues Gallery
Characters who were supposed to be very important but instead became completely irrelevant
Character seems like they're going to be redeemed but aren't
How did they get away with that in a Kids Show/Movie?
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Day 12/13: The Tyler Twins(Two for One Special)
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Final Roundup
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Day 16: Nice guy Heather(FINALE REBOOT)
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Day 15: Surfer Dude Owen
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Day 14: Reverse Zoey
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Day 11: The Real New Heather
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Day 9: Noah's Villain Arc
Ranking the TD 2023 Characters Day 10: Dave the Good ending