Has anyone used Chris gripper for dtr for a moderatley active job? Or lightly active job?
Looking for a gentler gripper
Swelling on the skin
Thick/rough, scar-like skin.
Retainer advice: Remove the retainer if you are going to be outside in the cold for more than a few minutes
How do you guys stay present throughout your days?
It's currently 5F outside - do any of you have problems with steel parts in the colder temperatures? Clearing snow, walking etc?
Nervousness about restoring
Meatus swelling from retainers - how can I prevent it?
Different grippers with the CRT
Been restoring on and off for 9 years. Is there a good all-day device?
What device or strategy allowed you to be the most consistent?
My friend is having a son. Requesting advice and resources.
Swelling at meatus/tip of glans using DTR; should I be concerned?
Work From Home Restoring Setup
MM2 Causing Frenulum Remnant to 'flake' and feel rough?
Which device is the most efficient for you?
Struggling with Stealth Retainers/packers and repeat injuries
Restoring in Summer
Has anyone here divised a way to use weights without them constantly rubbing on your thigh?
Time and time again, people look at my post history and berate me for restoring.
Skin flaking off
Go-to device
2+ Years, New Milestone Reached