Learning about Libertarism, this came to my mind
Mortgage payments are a racket. Equity is fake.
Permanently banned
Is this subreddit largely hoppean?
If there was a reboot of Rocky who would you cast as Rocky?
is it humanely posssible to actually end someones life in 20 seconds (reference to the jon jones saying that he could end a reporters life in 20 seconds)
Are ancaps who are in the free State project against immigration?
What Is the Best Crypto to Buy in 2025?
Libertarian Podcasts
Bought my first house! Why the heck are the HOA dues so high
no lie detected
Debunking myths about North Korea
Would you say speeding tickets are a victimless crime from the state? How would road property rights enforcement be ruled accordingly under anarcho capitalism worldview?
I was skinny until I hit 25. Is that most people?
This flavor is really bad guys, I suggest you don't buy any at all!
excellent question
Thoughts on Danny dating the college girl?
My (31M) partner (36F) expects me to pay for her sons child support because the father stopped doing it?
Does anyone know this lady in NH? Are her kids safe?
Another reason privacy is essential is that the state can change what is illegal.
Comrade tails says:
How Hard Would it Have Been to Get a Privacy Curtain for the Girls who Shared a Room?
An open letter to the 'I didn't vote for Trump' Americans
Would money still be a "necessary evil" if a revolution does happen?
Racist Tirade at Northern Nevada Car Wash