Which Texas city is the best ?
I fell inlove with Colorado. Can you please tell me something bad about it?
What do you wish all normies knew?
The only thing that makes people socially acceptable is not being ugly
This just isn’t true
I feel like being ugly is the only thing that’ll guarantee you being single forever
Which lyric resonates with you the most?
FAQ: A new version of A+ is coming on March 25! Should I wait for it?! [UPDATED!]
Is spending 1-2 weeks in Denver enough to see if you'll be able to adjust to the dryness and altitude?
Visited today 🫶
Saw someone else on here draw the figure 8 album on their shoe and was inspired, really love how it came out :)
ideas for elliott tattoo?
During a top secret security clearance, what happens if neighbors/random people they approach decide to lie about you or make crazy assumptions?
Best Way to Plan for Egg Price Incease/Shortage?
My experience with thc as medication
Do you ever feel people are only nice to you as a form of charity?
Do neurotypical women get weary around Autistic men or guys have strange traits?
My suicide would make them way too happy
My last name has an apostrophe on my tax returns, but my legal name doesn't. Should I be worried?
I work for securitas, can't log in to oneID. When do W2s get sent out in the mail?
Anyone have an inaccurate perception of themselves?
A great way to stop holding grudges and to let go of being hurt by someone else is to remember a time you've hurt another person very badly.
I took the AQ50 and scored 16/50, but my entire life I've had major social issues that can seem like autism. Is the AQ50 a bad tool to use?
Dear Pisces, how psychic are you?
How difficult is it to get high-quality, detailed letters of recommendation for a grad school application?