What would you consider this nigga’s magnum opus? I always thought it was gonna be Love Scars but he’s done so much iconic shit since then
Hello? wtf is this
Are we f*cking serious
My liked songs are… I don’t even know how to explain..
Make some assumptions abt me
Let's switch it up. What's everyone's top 3 RELEASED only?
Map is not working
Is there a lore reason why he's called weed
Goat Balls/Balls Simulator
do guys like being called handsome?
Why are so many guys scared of woman or it’s just a joke?
If he was still alive who do you think juice would’ve colabed with that he didn’t?
Does this annoy anyone else
Don't circumcise your Super Venom, folks
How many fans of the OG Coquette?
should i cut my twin off?
Well ok then...
All these mfs are in your bed. What do you do?
for all the single people out there, whats your plans for valentines day? (and dont say suicide)
Give me a purple plant from any PvZ game, and I might add it to the lawn.
Oh boy! I wonder what I’ll pick
Jumping on the bandwagon. Make an assumption about me!!
What is the best Juice wrld song? ( Theres only THREE )
There’s no way people actually listen to this much music.
Petition to get What's a father as the community icon