Competition for Switch2
''Words have consequences''
Formato immagine perfetto
Come hanno fatto a ricevere il mio curriculum (rigorosamente a norma con i vigenti regolamentari EU attualmente vigenti) se non ne ho mai creato uno?
Official Image By Nintendo
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
It's funny because it's true
Next time when you are saying something always think about it Father there will always be someone to prove you wrong.🤣( The world of humans is scary)
How many people are *actually* playing the new meta?
There’s no way
POV : if we're becoming the lawyers
We need more support cards like Misty tbh
Why is auto-battle so terrible?
[Weekly Questions Thread] 03 February 2025
censurate i numeri, vi prego.
It ends with me 😊
They really are using their dad as shield and they are making fun poor Roy who lost his eyesight.🥲
Commentate con la prima immagine che trovate nella vostra galleria e che ritenete abbastanza divertente ed io proverò a indovinare la vostra personalità (immagine non correlata)
I have not pulled a single Darkrai or Weavile in any of my ~40 packs but this is what I play against
This meme came to me while looking into the mirror
Oh how I hate my body, I just want to be shapeshifting homunculus bean 😭
Why in this scene sebas says there are only 41 beings stronger than him? What about shaltear and Rubedo?
Suggestion for my first monotype run?
Is there a band or artist whose song you heard and immediately became obsessed with? If so, which one is it?