Need to fight fire with fire!
Kaiba > Elon
How dare you compare Kaiba to Elon!
The whitelash against Obama is still so strong!
And this is why Biden was correct on his pardons!
Happy 28th anniversary to Toonami!
Why did tabloid talk shows like Jerry Springer and Maury Povich become so popular in the 1990s? Why did they decline in the 00s?
Former Vice President Joe Biden eating a vanilla ice cream while holding two $10 bills in his hand.
“An Idiot with No Common Sense” says Trumps Mother
Is America in the Upside Down now?
I don't know what's funnier. The Trump picture or the name
First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
Only authoritarian thugs threaten free speech
Were we the last to experience computer labs in school?
Curse you Texas for trying to ban anime and manga!
Can we finally call these men what they are?
What is the Mount Rushmore of Millennial story-based video games?
CMV: The case of Mahmoud Khalil is proof that conservatives don't believe in the Freedom of Speech, despite making it their platform over the last couple of years.
Do you think that most of Gen Z is gonna remain conservative for a long time?
Hypocrisy means no bounds
Gamergate did a whole lot of damage to the youth!
guess what year i'm born
America transitioned from this awesome President to Donald Trump. WTF is wrong with us?
Republicans Push to Make 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' a Mental Illness