lil peep - gym class
Breaking a table is crazy
Papi store now be waxing
Tryna impress a bitch and then this happens
Decline getting deeper each week
What cologne y’all got the most compliments on
😭😭 wtf he bagged? that’s crazy
The McGriddle is legendary. Before homeroom back in the day I either got a BEC or a McGriddle lmaoo. Straight facts
And here it is..
Thoughts On Rehab
cid an tatoo shroomz
Why isn't this bum hated more
How’s this sub feel about T3?
Where are the mods?
Anybody Know this Scammer
I'm allergic to my new face cleanser... on photo day
Mom finally kicked me out at 29
Tattoo Artists In Philly
Nigga almost died
If your shit don’t sink and stay there stay the fuck away from that
Eye of the storm ⛈️
My Top Rap beats oat
Hawaiian Food?