[WP] "Our world has come close to destruction nine times in its history; seven of those times were because of mortals—five of which were caused by you humans. Yet you ask me why I wish to eliminate your race."
[WP] You sell pre-emptive obituaries, which list every way in which the customer won't die. Most clients request rambling novellas in hope of shirking death entirely. It never works. One day, a customer orders an obituary with only one, very specific non-cause of death.
mari is missing character summary part 1:kel
mari is missing character summary part 2:hero
[WP] As horrible nightmare monster with basic sense of morality, you've come to realize that people view you as a vigilante.
[WP] your curses are broken by true loves kiss. ever since you cursed an aromantic prince you’ve been in big trouble.
a small AU of mine that i think has potential.
what is the threshold of popularity and devotion for ascending to godhood?
managed to get a lot of good mutations on my truekin. my build isn't complete but i'm happy with what i have so far.
are any material components useful for a non caster?
I love you, Rubbergum Injector!
this game is oddly dark sometimes.
you can say a truly random number between one and ten
Ah choo
i lost my ____ in a werewolf encounter
This is what the "good" Christians are to these people
You can predict the near immediate future.
"maso mode isn't really that hard"
turns out, you really can have your cake and eat it too.
i'm trapped in the woods by some sort of furry cult. how do i escape?
what if someone was incapable of producing both dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins?
theoretically, could an rng cheater use “dummy runs” to hide their cheating?
This guys life fucking sucks
Cosplay Question