My [29M] partner [32F] cheated on my with my best friend [29M] (UPDATE)
What's your weird obsession about your SO's body?
You are sentenced to death penalty, but you can choose how you die. What do you choose?
What's something (a hobby) you can easily do while watching Netflix?
What show/movie do you love because of how the women are depicted?
What was the most frugal experience you have ever had?
If you had to go on America’s Got Talent, what would you do?
What’s something you thought you knew the meaning of, then later learned it meant something completely different?
If it was discovered that one animal species had actually been aliens that have been spying on Earth this entire time, what species would you expect it to be?
What’s a song that seemed innocent as a child but actually isn’t?
What was the last movie you saw that had an impact on you and stayed with you longer than you would've thought?
What’s the worst piece of advice you’ve been given?
What’s something that’s only fun when you’re good at it?
What weird combination of foods is actually delicious?
What is the most stereotypical American movie?
Which decade had the best movies?
What is the worst thing to say at a funeral speech?
What is the best treat to get before a road trip?
What are somethings that are perfectly normal to do but you avoid doing in public?
Drivers of Reddit, what is your biggest pet peeve on the road?