All statists are religious and believe in the same god
Antonio Gramsci: the Godfather of Cultural Marxism. Gramsci viewed churches, charities, the media, and schools as organizations that needed to be invaded by socialist thinkers.
This sub has lost its way
Politicians love economically illerate people
No, Jordan, no!
Kontroverzna vprašanja, samo za premislek kam smo prišli - koliko je vredno delo
meme they into death
He just looked so sad. I ate him anyway
Why Thomas Sowell stopped being a Marxist
Vic, ki vas je najbolj nasmejal
"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." (1850)
Apparently I have 3 earbuds now.
Doctors have had enough
Katero stranko bi volili, če bi bile volitve jutri
kako pomembna je višina pri moških?
Do I have your permission?
Se vidite z nekom, ki zasluži dost manj?
Measles! Then vs. Now
The rise of the right in Europe
PSA: resno vzamite naslednje parlamentarne volitve
I Pissed Off a Fed Today
Why do anarcho communists say that anarcho capitalism requires a state or government to exist?
Why are left wingers so much more eager to embrace that label than right wingers?
Hard-right parties are now Europe’s most popular