What is your favorite story from Norse Mythology?
My question about Starfire
Spell: Disintegrate
What was it?
This was a lot funnier in my head.
A gorilla getting a health check
What does Norse Paganism mean to you?
Which Deadpool variant is this (winged/arrow in head) and why does he disappear during this fight?!?!
Are Jötnar gods?
Galactus in the new fantastic 4
Where to start?
What do you wear?
What have I uncovered?
To those complaining about the lightsaber combat in the sequels
[Discussion] Have your opinions on the sequel trilogy changed at all in the years since they were released?
[Potential Hot Take] I think this is the best Chewbacca figure we’ve ever had
I feel like r/facepalm is cheating at this point
Skurge Loves Guns
Black panther 2018. Someone explain this
Well this is just Fantastic…
Which face would work more for my Imperial Rear Admiral
A collection of Star Wars minis
Star Wars minis pt. 2 of 2
Why do you call this type of glass?
I've been looking forward to this one...