Did Patrick Fabian know in season 1?
Can I binge the series?
Why did you and your last ex break up?
Anytime else find out weird how obsessed Mike is with stickers?
We've heard of actors playing against their type. But what directors have directed against their type?
Kripke really has problems with hughie. Even before the SA stuff... his writing and response on hughie's season 3 arc was troubling. Bro watched his gf get murderd infront of him and he felt powerless. Stop, hughie disrespect.
Official Poster for 'The Luckiest Man in America' Starring Paul Walter Houser - Depicts the 1984 scandal orchestrated by Michael Larson when he appeared on and won the game show Press Your Luck
Is this the biggest ever Tesco Club Card piss take?
There are so many mistake in the first game.
Skydiver Luigi Cani dispersing 100 Million tree seeds to revive the Amazon Rainforest.
Skydiver Luigi Cani dispersing 100 Million tree seeds to revive the Amazon Rainforest
What if II-Nam voted to continue the games?
Why do people think multiple people are going to survive? It has always only been 1 winner.
The Last of Us Season 2 | Official Trailer
Gus making Lyle clean the fryer is him being a sadist
What was the most unnecessary remake?
Where to watch Premier league football matches?
But it’s not a cult… 😭
WHAT is up with Kim's hair in the season 6 flash forwards???
Which show started 10/10 and ended 10/10?
Kim thinks of Jimmy in Florida.
What famous person has the most inexplicable cult following?
Do y'all think Maggie an negan will get together? (Glenn being my favorite character I would despise the writers and show runner personally)
Examples of an actor playing two characters who are polar opposites.
Hate it so much
why did they chose David Morrissey as the Govenor?