Has anyone else been replaced?
Diagnosed at 15 yo, is my life cooked? I need help!
Dreams of having seizures
can someone dumb this down for me?
Can't drink
Did you have seizures at a teen and outgrow them?
i’m overwhelmed and tired
zaps even though i didn’t miss a dose??
My kid is so unwell, I need ideas.
What should I include in an information sheet for my professors?
Self confidence issues
Does anyone think being attracted to older women can be connected to having mommy issues?
Any advice please?
should i talk to a doctor about epilepsy?
Pre Existing Sensory
anyone else have no appetite on keppra?? (help)
Constant Deja Vu?
anyone has auras for weeks?
A told the father of an epileptic child that I wish I lost consciousness when I have seizures and I feel like a jerk
probably a stupid question but… how are other people’s experiences w/ having epilepsy and drinking?
PNES or atypical seizures
Antidepressants and epilepsy
Keppra side effects
Medication up for review
What’s to say I won’t have another seizure again?…