More pictures of our sweet girl, Maggie! 🐾
They make it so hard to go to work.
Smiling through the forest
I can't stop thinking about the terror of an Illuminate invasion
Hinata x Curse of the Swine combo question
"On Thin Ice" by Boris Groh
MAGA fan crashes car on live stream right after claiming God cleared the roads for him.
Call it.
Stranger (coloured)
Pretty girl with prettier eyes. ❤️
Never too old...
trump thinks everyone wants to be his friend…
Ways mono-green can keep a creature from entering?
Insomnia by Vincenzo Lamolinra
Dog Park Honk
Our floof, Evie.
I've found that building Edgar Markov with general Vampire good stuff makes the deck less viable
Kacey being a pretty lil loaf.
Can't seem to find a good Sultai commander I enjoy that doesn't feel super overplayed already.
What's the most mismatch power level game you've seen in EDH content?
Thwarting Thassa's Oracle
We got a splooter! (Pt 2)
She’s just a baby!
Dinner Time by Denis Zhbankov