do any of you like the 2023 edge+ vs the 2024Edge?
For a new player. What version of civ would you all reccomend?
S25 Ultra vs. S25 Plus – Which Should I Get?
Thinking of picking one up after dinner
HOW is oneplus1 on android OS updates?
How are updates ?
Civ6 UI/Menu mods
Will the S24 drop in price at all?
New cat tries to "play" with my 2 year old cat but terrorizes her.
Any updates for janky Picture ?
The Oz is helping us improve mining! Rejoice!
Should I speak to my therapist about this ?
Profitability of invention vs skill farming?
anyone ever had pain/Cramps in the back of there knee and calf with minimal backpain?
Thinking about getting a second kindle
Do you prefer the Kindle or Kindle Paperwhite? We choose the Paperwhite.
Men of r/kindle let’s see your case
Matcha kindle! *Cat vs Kindle size comparison*
So is my new PW a bad one?
About Paperwhite 12 yellowish screen
[Online] [5e] [Descent to Avarnus] New Dm looking for new Players.
Replay ability
Loved it. But the stutters drive me nuts.
Son pulling away from dad. If I contact him is it pushing him away more ?
is there TOO much going on in dota 2?