My roommate is creeping me out
Religious ecstacy
Who would you cast Tomk Hanks as in the MCU?
Luis needs a series of shorts on Disney+ where he tells all the MCU stories. I would watch them on repeat!
What are y’all’s hopes for Sentry in Thunderbolts?
Y’all think we may see Thor go up against Doom in Doomsday? If so would he win?
Which colour wins?
Who are your 3 favorite MCU characters?
Who’s the best and worst actor here ?
Would you pay $700 for this?
I *highly dislike* Schrodinger's cat
Homelander vs spidey who wins?
Karen harasses and calls police on man selling scarfs
What is your favorite Thor quote?
Y’all think we may ever see Arno Stark in the MCU? Who in the comics, is the secret brother of Tony Stark
You know what, I'm just going to say it.
Worst fear came true.
Has anyone else’s always thought Cap was the one who was in the right?
What is a slang phrase that drives you crazy as a xennial?
Found in the wild... guy is acting like he didn't choose to get tattooed...
If you're girlfriend said this, would it upset you?
I hate people who say sammich
Wendy Williams taken away by ambulance after dropping a note from her window, pleading for help
Your birth month is the character who accompanies you in a zombie apocalypse
I've only ever seen the original "The Matrix." I honestly view it as a near-perfect movie, and am hesitant to watch the subsequent movies. Without possibly spoiling it, is there any reason to watch any of the others?