Anyone else curious as to what the communication was between Cate and Ty and Brandon and Teresa over the summer before they got blocked?
Reminder - THIS is why they chose adoption
I swear to God, no matter which angle you look at Khameleon Khloe she looks TERRIBLE. Realtime.
Their behavior is actually really disturbing, why don’t they understand that??
Jaclyn, your husband's weird.
So I’m assuming Boomer is Jordan’s dog
Catelynn and Tyler are the new April and Butch
Genuinely, how DARE C&T milk this situation and manipulate their way into Carly’s world. NO IS A WHOLE SENTENCE. They are selfish and any praise received for “putting Carly first” is completely void now.
Oh my! I think she’s knows girl!
Please please please, stfu
I'm cringing so hard at this episode
Witches chin
Catelynn Baltierra interview on US weekly via instagram!
this is just so excessive
Jenelle took Kaiser back because Nathan’s parents spoke to the tabloids
Why was this scene of her taking off her fedora SO hilarious
Sneak peak for new episode: Tyler & Catelynn talk about Brandon and Teresa.
They used to provide escapism, now they hold the mirror to the oligarchy
Ew what the hell
How does Luke get all these gorgeous women?
Teen Mom’s Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra React to Daughter Carly’s Adoptive Parents Blocking Them
Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra Slammed by Adopted Daughter Carly's Parents: They're 'Out of Control' and 'Inappropriate'
SO MUCH to unpack
Happy February y’all! Oh Angie, look at the plethora of worm cans you’ve given us to open! Don’t shoot the messenger Hamily. Calendar from Etsy. Subject matter-Georgia 🍑, ‘ Merica!