Is this peak?
Updated Duolingo on Scratch lesson preview
anyone miss the blue from a couple years ago instead of the current purple?
Bots have an Alliance Banner now but they're not in one
¿Está skin de Eve será exclusiva o no?
why hasnt griffpatch posted a tutorial that isnt exclusive for the griffpatch academy in so long
Got permanently banned from r/duolingo. The reason why? Saying “OK.” (I don’t know why I commented that honestly).
what is this? (wrong answers only)
What's this (wrong answers only)
Publicly states her full birth date, age and country but not her religion??
Busco Trabajo como editor tengo 5 años de experiencia
We're Jane and Brian, creators of the Spanish conjugation app, Ella Verbs! AMA
Guys, is Mine Clicker out?
Can I call myself good at gd?
traumatizing kids with this one
Guess the level from the drawing! (Part 2/idk)
Play Mine Clicker Now
Griffpatch is bad
Which thumbnail is better and more attractive? (speaking of scratch community as a whole, not just older kids)
What is this difficulty? (Wrong answers only)
My friend finally verified his own extreme demon after 63k attempts! Your thoughts? :)
Give this aquatic fella a name! :)
Weekend is not the first ever project.
what happend to the sw... (aka scratch website)