i need to know what comes after!!!
Comment a random Thomas episode, but put "& Knuckles" at the end of it
Today i sent a presentation on email to my teacher about the history of Thomas & Friends and on the last slide of the PowerPoint I left this image of kanye west accidentally
Any recommendations on what software to use to make DDLC sprites?
Stupid mod i did
I swear they were roasting each other
I Made a Natsuki Watchface so she can be with everywhere I go
How to change the main menu
Is there a submod where i can kiss Monika goodbye?
How do i make a custom Speed controller
Changing the main menu's background music
Zero days until the part
One days until the party!
Two days til the party
Three days until the party
Five days until the party
Percy wasn’t needed (rewritten)
Percy wasn’t necessarily needed
Do the girls (besides natsuki) have parents at all?
Its time to show BoCo some love
Is it possible to transfer my Monika over to a new computer?
I tried researching and couldn't found nothing how many affection points do i need to marry her?
Officer, I Swear They Were Talking To Me!
Does anyone know what this black thing on Henry is?
I swear they were talking