Lord no
Got a new conditioner for curly hair and I swear the shopkeeper put magic into it
First time I got a chase
Starting Elden Ring completely blind – good idea?
Lease buyout advice
Hyped for 2 Funkos I really wanted finally arriving!
instant sliced
Guys I screwed up 😭🤥
Kirby just swallowed you. What ability did he get??
The magic GameStop strikes again
Found out today that my husband is allergic to cats. We have two. Any advice?
Capcom WTF
I can finally earn enough money for me and my partner of 6 years to move in together🥲🥲🥲
What's on your wrist today?
Stage 2 Cube
Finally picked up the old glow
Bryce Mitchell Pulls Out of Karate Combat Grappling Match and Says He’s Not Gay Due to a Feminine Looking Photo
Do yall think people with this on their cars are super cringe?
I saw something horrible and I'm only 16 .........
Help me kick my friends ass
Time to move on
People who took a long break (6+ months) and sorted out your life. Could you successfully moderate afterwards?
My pee smells like Syrup
70kg pull up failed (pr is 65kg)