Most popular sport in South Africa
International Quran Burning Day: January 29th
Salwan Momika / Sweden shooting Megathread
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Football & Baseball in Japan
I hate so damned much islam
Most popular sport in Belarus/Самы папулярны від спорту ў Беларусі
Pakistani Muslim shocked to find out nobody in Iran is Muslim
Do Russians dislike Europeans?
War in Ukraine
To those who live in the west, how's life?
National Sport
Türkiye'yi islamsızlaştırma politikaları?
ış*d islamı doğru mu yaşıyor?
Din tartışmak artık gereksiz geliyor
Olası Ateist Felsefi Din
İslamofobi yoktur, islamatedbir vardır.
Türkiye İslamı
How many people there are here from Algeria?
Suriye kültürel entegrasyonu
I Thought Ex-Muslims Weren't A Thing Before
Why do so many Muslims just lack empathy?