Homelander is stalking you, who you choose as your protector?
Broly vs Piccolo
Just a quick reminder, Oolong shapeshifted into an ADULT MAN to date a little girl (goku in disguise) and was bro blushing?
Blast and Boros vs Super Perfect Cell.
I think this is a much more fair matchup taking Saitama's current feats into consideration.
Ssj4 gogeta vs golden freiza (Rof)
Where would you scale EoS Saitama?
Be for real, Does anyone in GT have a chance against SSJG goku?
What's a Trope you find annoying when it comes to Powerscaling?
How weak is Vegeta without chainscaling from Goku or any other character?
Who would win in a race?
The backshots would sound like machine gun fire.
Where do you scale Goku (betrayed & trapped in time chamber for 1000000 years) ?
Dragon Ball fans when you’re not giving Toriyama’s content a sloppy toppy because he’s gone
Across Original DB, DBZ, and DBS, which Manga Chapter got you like this?
Some scalers be like:
He invades Earth, Saitama's sleeping, can the Hero Association stop him?
Who could yamcha beat in a fair fight ?
What is the CLOSEST matchup you have seen on this subreddit
Who would win?
Who can homelander actually beat tho?
Some drawings my 9yo cousin made using my drawing tablet.
Cold take
Who would win in a 1v1 battle?🤔
What's the difference between something without space and time, and something that transcends space and time? Or is it just the same thing?