Do I tell them???
Where to get mango and fruit pods
Please help! What’s causing these tiny holes in all my t-shirts?
Trying to find a budget camcorder
Scale, mites or disease possibly?
Scale, mites, or disease?
Grew more than I could possibly ever use, anyone want to take some off my hands?
Canned CR
Help! Bugs?
Bacterial infection?
Is this a type of mutation that I could isolate?
My 4 (maybe 5) year old Chiltepin Tree
Not sure what plant this is
Pest problems??
[actives] had to go on vacation so excuse the spore mess, but that cluster 🤌🏼
[contamination] So… uh… would you eat it?
Does anybody know what kind of bugs these are? And how to take care of them? I would greatly appreciate the help
I know this is a mutation. b+ is the variety, but why is it now turning dark? Very confused. (Tub isn’t contaminated just bruised from directly misting it)
[actives] Contam? I’m pretty sure it is but I thought I’d get a second opinion
[actives] I made the last post asking about contam but I figured I’d give better pictures. Almost appears to just be metabolites but I’m unsure.
What kind of pest damage is this? Fungus gnats? I have a plant near it that appears to possibly have fungus gnats come in and out of the dirt so I’m thinking they came from that
[actives] Gonna harvest the big ones from the first tub tonight. But do you think the bigger ones in the third slide will make it to tomorrow without sporulating?
Never grew anything before. Wife's friend owns a greenhouse and gave me a tiny reaper starter plant 2 months ago. No clue what I'm doing, just dirt, water, and sun. Do these look like healthy reapers?
Just a few questions about heat because it gets pretty hot where I live. Gonna put them in the comments.
[actives] (substrate is bruised it’s not mold btw) but does anybody know why the party hat on that shroom is starting to turn dark? Last photo was it yesterday but these are pics from today