How it started ...... How it's going .....
Conservatives pissed off over DJT rambling about making Canada the 51st state. 😬🤡😆
78% of Farmers Voted for Trump . Now he will ruin their lives
TRumP TaRiFf wiLl bEnEFit ThE US !
Trump WiLl bE bEtTer wITh tHE EConoMy!!!
But ..but Trump will fix the inflation and the economy on Day 1 .......
Even Russian Media Mock 'America First' MAGA
A Tale of a Palestinian MAGA
How it started .. How it's going
Who is the B*tch now ? Libs are totally owned right now
Jill Stein ....... Where are you ?
"wait, DEI meant me too?"
Oopsie ...
MAGA Coping as they realize they will also suffer higher grocery prices under Trump
MAGA Coping Trump will not lower Grocery Prices
Trump Supporters when they finally realize that Trump will not lower grocery prices
But ... But.... He's supposed to be free speech absolutist 🥺
Can someone please tell him what he missed 🥺
Research Dividends Seems Underwhelming :(
Amusing Indeed, Paradox know their fans :)
Does anyone here have a strong enough computer to run 5000 in-game years? :)
What do you guys think about the "Early" Character Designs? Personally I prefer "Early" Maru's hair and Abigail :)
How come Lewis has enough money lying around to instantly pay you millions on the spot yet the town is in a state of disrepair and the townspeople just keep electing this guy?
How come there is no bathroom anywhere in Pelican Town?
Guys, I think my sentient fish is secretly plotting to destroy me and my farm during the night :(