Coach, Girl You Did The Thang!
I need to stop smoking weed. Help motivate me.
Regarding Chanel's weird-shaped bags, do you like them?(1)
Desperately Seeking Rep Of.. (Where Can I Find This) 02/03/2025
💕Daily RepChat 🗣️🍵!!: What did you buy💳? What’s on your Wishlist📃? What buys do you regret🥹? ALL Topics Are Welcomed!!🙌😎💕
Daily Discussion Thread 02/06/2025
ISO - Help me find.. 🔎 Weekly Thread
BWT: recommend me a hair mask that actually WORKS
BWT, do you put your pyjamas on before or after your evening bathroom routine
Ageing and distressing
How can I convince my 63 year old dad to do yoga with me?
Daily Hermès Chat🍊 02/06/2025
Purse for 16in laptop?
How to start a business
What the actual fuck
Do you think there'd be interest in a forum or social network for Worthing?
Just found out I am pregnant at 42
cute but functional 7 day pill organizer??
What is your rep conspiracy theory? How do factories get them so good, and so quickly?
Which bag initially struck you as being ugly, then piqued your interest, got you to admit it wasn't that terrible, and made you desire it?
BWT, what are your “buy it once” faves?
What’s your perfect BIRKIN size?
Has anyone tried out Songmont?
Career Change