Finally joined the club
Bought Some Core-Lokt For Brass…
Winchester M1917
Milsurp Dream Gun (1985 FN Browning Hi Power)
8x57 Mauser Origin
Cowboy Perk Unlocked
I don’t think it’s heavy enough.
When you’re not looking for surplus, it randomly finds you at a LGS
I hate gun shows
I walked I into my LGS for shotgun shells and left with this.
What would y’all do? Guy wants to trade my Glock 45 for his complete aero 10.5 ar pistol build?
Wanna give a shout out to all the T1 homies who larp, and let you know that training can increase insulin sensitivity ;)
East vs. West
Keep calm and carry handle on
First big boy purchase and first Taco.
First submission on the sub, modified DR-9 Chest Rig!
Can't decided if I want to keep the KAC rails or go back to the clams... My little quick kit by the door.
Izhmash Saiga Tuesday
Graduation gift to myself, THE NUMBERS MASON.
Aero new product release!
It’s Friday, post 5.45
Visited a Fallout 4 settlement in real life.
PsBattle: Snake eating an entire egg at once
[NO SPOILERS] A watercolour painting I made of my absolute favourite character. Critique is welcome :)
WW2 Vet walking alone on Victory Day. He is the last of his squad