I won an auction for a complete set of Vending Series 3 for $700. After pealing the cards, I submitted one o the chases for grading. This covers the whole purchase and more.
🌀 E-Series 🤌🏻
[US, WW] [W] Japanese Tag Teams [H] PayPal
One of my favorite Pikachu cards I own in my collection
Hi! Does anyone have their collection on instagram?
Finally Completed my Ex Era Collection
What are some of the saddest Pokémon cards?
Best way to arrive back from a long work trip haha
Some highlights from the PC
Saw were doing favorite pokemon collections! Here's my pikachu collection!
Selling Pokémon set.
[US/US][H]SEALED!!!…Prismatic Evolutions, PC ETB, Shiny Star V BB, Marnie Milk Carton, more[W]Paypal FF
Womier SK75
Look at that pouch!
[US,WW] [H] Birthday Pikachu, Easter Pikachu, ToysRUs, Crystal, Neo, promos, others [W] Paypal G&S
A Great Surprise
What's everyone's thoughts on this card?
Best gun I ever shot! just one problem though She's gassy
anxiety after quitting weed
Okay, yes, I'm a 22 year old man who still plays this for some reason, get over it. But listen to what happens when you close out of pressure while in the hub.
Got this baby for 2500$
Classic event shows how old your account is
I found someone who renamed themself 21 times!
No mini-chests spawning in area #199