Anyone else hate promotions?
Why were all pissed off the reality
Sick of instacart deciding when I can make money
Grammer police shoppers?
Instacart is a scam honestly how?lol
Not getting any orders?
Any thoughts my fellow shoppers
This has to be illegal
Finally got me a 9 to 5... ☺️
No longer accepting rides under $5
Instacart prices are a joke
Shopper with kids?
Wtf is going on?
I Hope You're Happy, Trumpers! Trump Killed Over 70 People His First 11 Days in Office!!!
slow day???
Trump really hates Black people more than anything!
Boston is dead in guess?
Only veterans shoppers 2 + plus years please...
How's your day going?
Instacart algorithm programming to give us $15 N hour?
Instacart will fail...
Instacart is not slow trust me..
Getting better everyday