I'm so happy I get to play him in Bleach: Rebirth of Souls!!
Anyone else hype for this game (My only concern is that I’m gonna suck at it lol)
What do you like about Loly?
Best Manga Panels (real)
Best Bleach Manga Panel
ARTMS - X1 (Video Teaser)
Which character would you say went through the most?
My relationship is my whole life
What to do with a void in your soul?
Tired of this void in my soul
Void in my Soul
Sad Void
Void in my soul
250109 ARTMS Event: Möbius Club Day 1 Gravity Final Result “Diving Tower”
My Loly
Other than Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Minato and Itachi, who are your number 1 and 2 favourite characters and why?
Be totally honest, how big is your dick?
Who do you think would become the strongest? (Akatsuki training)
Naruto’s main criticism is its “underutilized” side characters so how would you make them more relevant
What's one plotline in Bleach that you feel was somewhat abandoned and you wish had been explored further?
Give me your favorite Naruto character & your favorite version of them & I'll rank them
New player!