what are some of your COLD TAKES, opinions that are popular here or the commmunity in general
Do you think that this subreddit has a hateboner for twitter?
sonic.exe OVERRATED aethos OVERRATED silly billy OVERATED dave and bambi OVERRATED mario's madness OVERRATED i'm SMARTER than everyone else
Could IS-7 not have been a victory for the defense?
Which order do you think the canon games should be played? (Seen this asked countless times but I've never seen a poll conducted)
What character is this?
Do you agree humans as a species are just making Everything worse?
fnf fans falling to their knees
I LOVE HARASSMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smelling like shit at planet fitness with my edgeworth shirt on listening to his pursuit theme
Did anyone else find it weird that the incestigations took so long and that this piece of evidence only came up at the end?
Which one most aligns with your stance on AI development?
Emotionally or Logically Centric?
Simeon, my bbgirl
Deltarune Time Capsule predictions (Who is the Knight?)
A talk about FNF music.
Ace Attorney pegging tier list
If you were in charge of rewriting Quercus Alba, what would the changes be?
why is his hair longer in the logo (google did not answer me)
Favourite instance of Mind Chess in Prosecutor's Gambit?
Questionable opinions from someone who's only played the first two games
only having 5 games under my belt isn't very interesting so i'm cramming way all my tier lists into one post (cases, characters, soundtracks, games)
Let’s do this. Quercus Alba is a baller and I’m sick of people dunking on him.
Gentlemen, we have problems. The Gooners have found undertale.
Should I finish the game? (AAI2 Spoilers)