Whats the most ideal attractive build / body shape a girl can have?
Are guys too shy to make the first move or im just ugly?
what reply do you expect from a boy when you tell him that your on your periods?
What’s considered a dry guy/texter for you?
What is yalls house temperature?
What is the most and least Attractive thing a woman can do?
Who else wants to go back in time a bit?
Insta bio ideas?
describe your 'dream'/'ideal" boyfriend?
Those who have had sex, what was your first time like?
Do you know parents who made their boys cut their longish hair short as a child/teen? If yes, what do you think about it?
Is a 7 month age gap bad?
What do you do after an argument with your bf?
Probably super common q: long hair? Also messenger bags
What should I do?
Is it weird to have photos of your ex?
Why did i gain weight so suddenly?
Would you prefer a boy with an aesthetic body that isn’t very strong or a boy with a less aesthetic body who’s much stronger?
Would a Boy being LGB be a deal breaker?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
What did life give you that you never wanted?
Cea mai nesimtita shaorma
i wanna know whats the youngest and oldest that you would date
Are there guys who pee sitting down?
Whats ur kiss count?