Currently on phase 43, so close yet so far
A small "guide" to the new Festival of Battles event
So I got the tittle updates and dlcs from here and then I got the game from the internet archive am I doing something wrong ?
Unleashed Recompiled - An Unofficial Sonic Unleashed PC Port is OUT NOW!!
A dokkan for blue bros would’ve been chefs kiss, I was getting scared Gogeta was going to kill
Should I exchange these red coins for the regular red coins considering these anni units will be on future regular red coin banners ?
Was laughing at how slug took Brolys super with open arms as if it was some fetish and looked like a good boy 😭
Others: we take the strongest team right now ! Me: cool super attacks
Played no evidence all week… tips to speed through this weekly challenge?
Weekly Pack Pull Megathread
1 pack magic 🙏🏻🔥
Local con pick up
Where is Cascy in the game ? I can’t find her
Would you prefer to have a window behind your monitor or not?
My Heart just skipped a beat
What is this thing it came with the car when bought
Bites or ?
To the people who replied to my 1700 post is this any better ?
To the people who replied to my 1700 build question is this better from the comments I read ? Lmk if I should change out something thank you so much for the recommendations 🙏🏻
Is this good for 1700 ? Or would you guys switch anything out ?
Any of yall know if this store is legit?
Dumb question
Why are people so mean? They won't let new players learn. Half the comments are making fun instead of helping
Pre order question