Should I go into TWW or finish Dragonflight?
Title. I just got back into WoW as an on/off player and I have to say I'm in love. With the introduction and changes to DF, the game has become so new player and casual friendly. I'm even feeling motivated to pursue the harder content like mythic for stuff like BiS. Ugh, I'm loving WoW again.
On the topic of loving WoW again, I'm really loving the story of DF (in Ohn'aran Plains) but since I just reached 70, I got the notification to start TWW.
I know it's the new xpac and all, but I'm really liking DF. Do you guys recommend starting with TWW or can I finish DF? I don't mind about the xp as I'm enjoying it just for the story and worldbuilding, but if I start TWW, will I get spoilers for DF or are the two separate from each other? Please let me know what I should do!