Who is the single most op PLAYER you’ve ever encountered?

Just the other night in Wrath Classic, our dungeon group had a warrior tank that could almost 1 shot trash pulls, and bosses never lasted more than 10-15 seconds. Her DPS was almost unbelievable.

Back when Cata was current, a friend of mine was in a guild whose leader was a Worgen DK. I watched with my own 2 eyes as this DK solo’d 3 geared Horde players at once. The fight, if you could call it that, was over in about 30 seconds.

Which player have you seen who was just too skilled/powerful for you to believe?

EDIT: Since everyone is name dropping, I don’t feel so bad. I never got the warrior’s name, but I’ll never forget the DK, his name was Shadesfang/Eonar.