WTH is up with Gabriela?
I was out last night and happened to stumble upon Gabriela. I’ve only been here a few months and don’t know too many people, but I like going out and like finding “popping” places where I can meet new people.
I walked up to the line last night around 1am and was told that they were no longer letting people in. Okay, that’s reasonable.
I walk to the side to have a smoke and I notice that the bouncer is letting every single person after me in. Weird.
I start chatting with some folks standing outside asking them if they know any reason why they wouldn’t let me in. “Are you by yourself?” Yes I am I answer. And so the random group of people I meet conclude that it’s prolly cus I’m solo. No problem, they say I can walk in with them.
I try to walk in with a group of 7 people I just befriended outside. This time there is a new man at the door. He’s a tall, bald guy. When I get to the front he says “no”.
I ask him why.
And very loudly the guy says “because you’re a creep”. Wait wtf?
I ask him what he means
“You’re a creep. You’re scaring all the women”
I’m so genuinely confused. The group of 7 people I mentioned earlier contained a few women and they were all friendly. I havent done anything creepy in the 20 minutes that I’ve even standing outside smoking and chatting it up.
It was a very weird encounter. I just wanted to go inside and dance and have fun yet was made to feel very unwelcomed.
Has anyone ever experienced this at Gabriela? I’m trying to figure out what I could have done differently